I currently use Zooomr as my photo sharing site. It has some very good features. However, I am thinking of moving my photos over to Flickr and using that site instead.
Zooomr started off as a Flickr clone but with a lot of good ideas. It offers unlimited uploads and unlimited storage. It has a pro account but this has very few benefits other than supporting the site (I think non pros have ads on their pages whereas Pro accounts get a cleaner interface). However, it was coded by a single person and features always took longer to come than promised. Then money ran out and a move to Japan was made which resulted in a change in focus. It became more mobile friendly – they always had what they called a Zipline (a 140 character mini blog like twitter) but the latest version has a whole range of new mobile features that I have never used and am unlikely to. With this as their focus, the development of photo related features seems to have slowed. In addition, because it doesn’t have as large a following as Flickr, the development of thrid party applications is slow. As a final blow to Zooomr, Thomas Hawk, “Evangelist and CEO for the photo sharing Site Zooomr”, seems to prefer Flickr.[EDIT: Thomas Hawk apparently uploads full resolution images to Zooomr and lower resolution images to Flickr. However, the majority of his interaction appears to be at Flickr (he links his flickr photos, not his Zooomr photos)]
Flickr on the other hand limits features to its users unless they have a pro account – ie. limited uploads and only the last 200 photos can be viewed. At $25 a year, a pro account isn’t that much (plus I get a free account due to my parents Internet account). It also has a lot of third party applications which I like. My favourite is Piclens, a firefox add on. Piclens is probably one of the best way to view photos on the web. Go to its homepage and look at the demo video, it really is the fast and that smooth. While Piclens works on Zooomr, it works a lot better on Flickr. It also has search support so if you want to view photos on a particular item, just search for it and all the photos come up, which you can then glide through quickly and effortlessly.
The other option is Picassa, but unlike its Googles Gmail account, Picassa is currenlty limited to just 1GB. In addititon, it doesn’t have the same community feel to it that Zooomr and Flickr have.
If I decide to change, it will be a big effort to transfer all my photos across. There are tools to do it like “Migratr” but that will eat through my data plan which I will have to investigate first (I dont have unlimited data anymore).
Is it worth moving my photos? What is the best site?